quinta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2011

Brazil judge Patricia Acioli shot dead in Niterói

Original News: Click Here

A police commander and seven officers have been arrested for the killing of a judge. The Rio de Janeiro State police said that six of the officers were detained Tuesday; the other two were arrested earlier. The judge, Patricia Acioli, who was known for being tough on rogue police officers who turned to vigilantism and extorted money, was shot in August outside her house in Niterói.

Commentary: The author investigated the information using credible sources to expose the true story of the murder. Very interesting.
The news was very short, but it included everything important to build the report. Understanding the news was easy, as it was very well summarised and focuses on key points.

David Orzechowski - 1º C, nº 08
Natalie Stiebler - 1º B, nº 20

3 comentários:

  1. The Grand Canyon is in the territory of the United States of America. Its valley was shaped by the Colorado River for years Thousands of STIs waters scoured the bed, Deepening the over 446 km. Comes to measuring Between 6 and 29 km wide and Reaches depths of 1600 meters. About 2 billion years of geologic history of the earth Were exposed by the river, the tributaries and Its it will Exposing layer after layer of sediment.
    Victor Hugo 1ºB

  2. We agree with Natalie and David's commentary and is sad and are released for all world and the people who are not brazilians have a wrong vision about the country.

    Giulia Ghigonetto and Luiza Mariutti

  3. Cops killed a judge! Looks like she was right to be so hard on them, those were bullies not cops. RIP.
    Thanks for posting. Candy Williams
