terça-feira, 25 de outubro de 2011

Brazilian people on USA

US Goverment is traing to make possible ,
brazilins people enter usa whit out the autorisation that we need .

these moviment is happanig becose floridas goverment thiks that brazilns contribuit 10% on there economy on this year ..

this moviment is now on Washington D.C becose the think that american also travel alot to Brasil and this is sammting that they dont need becose Brazil and USA are friendly.

2 comentários:

  1. I live in America and I didn't know that. Florida has such a major variety of people, but I had no idea that Brazilians was such a big part of it. Now that I think of it, a few of the tv series we have here are beginning to show Brazilians in America, in Florida and New York, mainly. Good subject. Candy Williams

  2. I didn't know that , in fact i should know because it's happeing to us right now , and we can not give a chance for this type of imigration.Nice post, saddly
    André Vieira.
