terça-feira, 4 de outubro de 2011

Brazil urges ban on Gisele Bundchen TV lingerie ad

The News talks about the advertisement of Gisele in firn hope, that in this past 2 weeks has been baniged from the tevelevion from habitual rotine, it was been also been clamed by the ministry(female ) with said that the advertisement “ reinforces the erroneous stereotyping of women as sex objects". http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-15105424

In our opinion , we could be able to said that is a totally a lacy of respect to female image and produces discrimination in the contry and also produces the saying "that sensuality can melt any man"

And you reader what you think about this happend? Post your opinion.

André and Sabó


3 comentários:

  1. I think it is not right to punish Gisele because of an advertisement that she just made​​. I guess who should be punished was the company that created it.

    Henrique Motta


  2. Lingerie is sexy, but I think this is a way for the governering body that ban such things to exert their power. Seriuosly, does these people visit their beaches at all? I think the ads are done in good taste, like art, and anyone out there that want to make it perverse, they are hiding their own true selves. These people are usually the ones with the most dirty secrets.

    Gisele will be okay though, countries do this always, she is probably used to it. Candy Williams

  3. We think that was a good decision cancel the advertising, because the women fought for their rights to be independent and respected by the men, but th advertising shows the opposite.

    Giulia Ghigonetto e Luiza Mariutti
